Club Interview Follow Up

The Club Interview Follow Up — What to do after you’ve had your Bar Interview

Wow, time for the club interview follow up. You’ve already researched the bars in your area that interest you the most. You’ve written an amazing bartending resume complete with cover letter. You’ve prepared for, practised and dazzled them in the interview.  Now what?

It’s time to make sure they don’t forget you by reminding them why you are the best person for the job.

Your first move in this club interview follow up series is to send a thank you email as soon as you get home from the interview. Thank them for the opportunity, their time and remind them why you want to work there. Tell them you really like the organization of the establishment and that you know it will be a great place to work. It’s ok to write your email as if you already have the job. For example, “I look forward to seeing you again and working with you and your staff.”

Once your club interview follow up email is sent, and you’ve followed all the interview tips, your phone should ring. If not, wait between 2- 3 days to contact them one more time. Be persistent but not annoying.  Write another email  telling them you understand they are very busy and was hoping they could let you know whether they filled the position or not. Mention how much you enjoyed the atmosphere and that you think you’d be a great fit with the staff and the regulars. If you didn’t offer to guest bartend for a shift during the interview, you can mention it now.  Tell them that you feel confident enough that you’re willing to work a free shift to prove your bartending skills.  It’s okay to go into the bar or club and speak to the owner or manager in person – just make sure you don’t do it when it’s busy or when you’re out partying.  There’s nothing worse than an intoxicated applicant spewing niceties to a manager who’s on duty and likely busy.

It is good to let them know you’re available any time, but that means you must be available any time!

That’s about as much as you can do. If you never get a response from your emails, you can call once and ask to speak with the person who interviewed you. Make sure you call at an ideal time though. Not lunch, and not dinner. If you’ve done your research, you should know when the business’s down times are. Depending if they serve food and are open for lunch and dinner or not, between 2:00pm and 4:00pm is usually safe.

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