Basic Bartending Drinks Cheat Sheet

Free Downloadable Bartender Cheat Sheet PDF

The bartender cheat sheet –  many up-and-coming bartenders believe or have been told that to be a bartender, you need to know thousands and thousands of different drink recipes.  This simply isn’t true.

Maybe if you were trying to get into a high-end martini or cocktail lounge in London, New York or Paris.  But if we’re talking about your average bartender…. This free bartending cheat sheet contains 95% of the drink recipes you’ll ever need to know.  The other 5% that you’ll need to learn are the specialties that differ from pub to club, town to city and country to country.


To get your hands on your free printable bartenders cheat sheet, simply enter your name and email address above and you’ll be sent a link where you can download your free bartenders cheat sheet.

The cheat sheet is completely free to download and can be saved to your phone or computer. This means you’ll always have the recipes on hand, no matter where you are.

A bartender cheat sheet is the easiest way for up-and-coming bartenders to get to know the most important drinks of their trade as well as for current bartenders to be able to remember some of those drinks that they only have to make once in a while.

We know that bartending isn’t easy, but with this cheat sheet you’ll have all the drinks you’ll need at your fingertips. So why not download it now and start mastering the art of bartending!


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